The US Animal Vaccinology Research Coordination Network (USAVRCN) is an initiative of USDA NIFA to bring together the breadth of stakeholders with interest in advancing vaccine research and improving vaccine-based disease control in agricultural and aquacultural species. The USAVRCN seeks to leverage current and future research at multidisciplinary member institutions of the Network to develop next generation, safe and efficacious vaccines. We strive to act collectively to improve strategies for the timely development of, efficacious vaccines, and diagnostic platforms to monitor for emerging infectious diseases that can impact on the U.S. agriculture industry. Network findings and suggestions are communicated on a regular basis to the USDA NIFA leadership to assist them with setting national research directions and funding priorities.


  • Our New Website
    We are proud to announce the launch of our new website. This new site will allow us to effectively reach and communicate news and information regarding the USAVRCN and its mission.

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