Past Events

IVVN Webinar Series

Please enjoy past recordings from the Webinar Series of our sister network, the International Veterinary Vaccinology Network (IVVN). Recordings are free for those registered at the IVVN and are available here.

Fifth Annual USAVRCN Meeting, Chicago IL

Monday January 22, 2024

The fifth annual meeting of the U.S. Animal Vaccinology Research Coordination Network was held in association with the Conference for Research Workers in Animal Disease meeting, January 20-23, 2024. The USAVRCN again was pleased to have it's symposium included within the CRWAD General Meeting, and with keynote presentations delivered by Glenn Browning DVM, PhD, Redmond Barry Distinguished Prof Vet Microbiology, University of Melbourne presenting "Vaccines – critical components of effective veterinary antimicrobial stewardship"; Hyun Lillehoj PhD, Senior Research Immunologist, USDA Animal and Natural Resources Institute, presenting "Progresses and Challenges in the Development of Vaccines against Intracellular Intestinal Parasites in Poultry"; Benjamin Beck, MA, PhD, Research Physiologist, USDA Aquatic Animal Health Research Unit presenting "Prevention and control of diseases in aquaculture species"; and Paul Morley DVM, PhD, DACVIM, Professor & Director of Research, TAMU Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, presenting "Does vaccination prevent antimicrobial resistance".

Headshots of the 4 speakers featured at the 5th annual USAVRCN meeting.

Fourth Annual USAVRCN Meeting, Chicago IL

Monday January 23, 2023

The fourth annual meeting of the U.S. Animal Vaccinology Research Coordination Network was held in association with the Conference for Research Workers in Animal Disease meeting, January 22-24, 2023. The USAVRCN again was pleased to have it's symposium included within the CRWAD General Meeting, and with keynote presentations delivered by Shan Lu, MD PhD MHA, Director, Laboratory of Nucleic Acid Vaccines and Professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, presenting "A new era of vaccinology – COVID and beyond", Thanh Nguyen, PhD, Assistant Professor Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, presenting "Time-release microneedle-based vaccine platforms", Mike Roof, MS PhD, Chief Technology Officer for the State of Iowa Bioscience Initiative, presenting "Emerging technology and potential application in animal health".

An image of the three speakers featured at the Fourth Annual USAVRCN meeting.

USAVRCN/IVVN Webinar: Bovine Mycoplasma Vaccines and Immune Responses

Wednesday March 23, 2022

With colleagues at the International Veterinary Vaccinology Network we held our first joint webinar on bovine mycoplasmosis, including presentations and discussion on vaccine development and immune responses against contagious bovine pleuropneumonia and Mycoplasma bovis infection. Registration is free for all USAVRCN or IVVN members. Speakers included Professor Jörg Jores, University of Bern, Switzerland, Dr Jose Perez-Casal, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO), Canada, and Professor Cynthia Baldwin, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA. Find the recorded presentation linked here.

A collage of the speakers featured at the USAVRCN/IVVN Webinar: Bovine Mycoplasma Vaccines and Immune Responses.

Third Annual USAVRCN Meeting, Chicago IL

Sunday December 5, 2021

The third annual meeting of the U.S. Animal Vaccinology Research Coordination Network was held in association with the Conference for Research Workers in Animal Disease meeting, in a hybrid format December 3-7, 2021. The USAVRCN was pleased to be included this year as a symposium within the CRWAD General Meeting, and it will include keynote presentations delivered by Amy Vincent, DVM MS PhD, Research Veterinary Medical Officer and Lead Scientist at the USDA-ARS National Animal Disease Center (NADC), "Maximizing USDA surveillance data for improved influenza vaccines for swine", Lisa J Becton, DVM MS DACVPM, Director of Swine Health, National Pork Board, presenting "Industry Perspective on the Value of Animal Health Research", David E Swayne, DVM PhD DACVP DACPV, Laboratory Director, USDA-ARS Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, entitled "A Paradigm Shift in the Use of Vaccines and Vaccination in Global Control of Avian Influenza, and Mark D Fast, BSc MSc PhD, entitled "Aquaculture Production and Vaccinology: Current and Past Hurdles".

A collage of four speakers featured at the third annual USAVRCN meeting.

2021 NBAF Scientific Symposium

April 26, 2021 - April 30, 2021

In preparation for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) opening later this year, USDA is hosting a virtual Scientific Symposium as a 5-day series of presentations and dialogues. The purpose is to share innovative research being conducted in the fields of emerging, transboundary animal and zoonotic diseases as well as to facilitate dialogues around research gaps and response needs in these areas. Please register through the NBAF Symposium page.

Second Annual USAVRCN Meeting, Chicago IL

Tuesday December 8, 2020

The second annual meeting of the U.S. Animal Vaccinology Research Coordination Network was held in association with the Conference for Research Workers in Animal Disease meeting, which was delivered entirely remotely through recorded and live-streamed sessions December 5-8, 2020. The USAVRCN was pleased to be associated with CRWAD abstracts in the general program and addressing topics in vaccinology. The USAVRCN annual meeting and symposium was a half-day morning session streamed live on Tuesday 12/8/20 at 9am-12pm US CT. Meeting highlights included keynote presentations delivered by Cyril G. Gay, DVM PhD, Senior National Program Leader, Animal Production and Protection, USDA-ARS, presenting "The U.S. National Biodefense Strategy for developing veterinary countermeasures to prepare and respond to biological threat agents.", and by John H. Wyckoff III, PhD, Director of BioMARC, Colorado State University, presenting "From Discovery to Corporate Development; Challenges between Academia and Commercialization". Thanks to all attendees at the virtual conference and for participation and excellent questions - questions left unaddressed because of time and their answers from speakers can be found here.

An image of the two speakers featured at the second Annual USAVRCN meeting.

First Annual USAVRCN Meeting, Chicago IL

Saturday November 2, 2019

The inaugural meeting of the U.S.. Animal Vaccinology Research Coordination Network was held in association with the CRWAD meeting in Chicago on Saturday afternoon 11/2/19 from 1:00-4:00 (Miami/ Scottsdale room of the Chicago Marriott, Downtown Magnificent Mile).We enjoyed two keynote presentations, Dr. Roy Curtis, University of Florida. "Animal Vaccines – Current Availability, Future Needs and Technologies to Deliver” and Dr. Dan Rock, University of Illinois Champaign Urbana. "Challenges for African swine fever vaccine development”. Their presentations were followed by a question & answer session and excellent general discussions regarding Network priorities and early-stage targets.

An image of the two speakers featured at the First Annual USAVRCN meeting.